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A charity in India made a surprising discovery. After taking 36 dead cows, one died and they discovered the cause - the cow ate too much plastic.

In an attempt to save the rest of the cattle, the charity removed surgical plastic from each cow's stomach. Now the charity, the Karuna Society for Animals and Nature, is using the evidence to encourage everyone from local officials to the Supreme Court to ban plastic waste.


How cows consume plastic


In rural India, cows roam the streets looking for food. The country's waste management system is extremely lacking, which means that many streets and alleys are filled with rubbish.


Farmers cannot afford to feed their cows, so they are often let loose to find the nutrients they need on the street. When cows pick through piles of rubbish and hunt for leftovers, they also eat plastic. Not surprisingly, the biggest plastic pollutant digested by cows is plastic bags.


The consumed pieces of plastic build up in their internal organs, making it difficult for the cows to eat. As a result, milk production decreases just as milk quality decreases. Over time, plastic consumption condemns cattle to a slow and cruel death, according to animal activists.


There are treatments to prevent death, but when milk production falls, farmers usually abandon cows instead of spending money on treatment.


The Supreme Court calls for action


The Supreme Court says the death of cattle from plastic consumption is "alarming" and has called on all local governments to intervene. To limit pollution of plastic bags, the court proposes a fine for residents and businesses that do not dispose of waste properly.


Prohibition of plastic bags is not uncommon. Several states in the United States have banned plastic bags or charged shoppers a tax for using one.


In India, the plastic bag ban sounds like a step in the right direction, but several cities already have a plastic bag ban in place but do not have the resources to enforce it.


Without enforcement, garbage continues to cover the streets and become a major source of food - and cause of death - for roaming cattle.


A zero waste solution

While India's pollution problems are unique, it is not the only country struggling for that much waste.


Even the United States is facing problems. The country only recycles approx. 34% of the waste and sends the rest to landfills.


To limit plastic pollution, a zero waste strategy is the best solution. How can you as a consumer commit to zero waste? By using refill technology, consumers can remove large amounts of disposable plastic from their daily lives.


Here's how it works: Consumers take a refillable bottle to a retailer and use a small kiosk to fill the bottle with the product they need.


Let's say you've run out of detergent. Just take the bottle to a dealer, put it in a refill station, and the machine washes the bottle, fills it with detergent and seals it. When empty, just bring it back and refill it.


If you are ready to see filling stations at your local dealer and want to commit to a zero waste solution, sign the petition below to send a clear message #SayNoToPlastic.

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