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Alternatives of Plastic: Must Read this Article with Solutions.


Apart from causing soil contamination, sewage barriers, cattle and mainly marine animals faulty plastic for food directly or indirectly, which blocks digestion and possibly causes hunger. About 44 percent of all seabirds eat plastic, apparently by mistake, sometimes with fatal effects. And 267 marine species are affected by plastic waste - it is known that animals swallow plastic bags that look like jellyfish in the middle of the ocean. According to research, plastic in the oceans actually degrades and releases toxic chemicals and causes water pollution.

The various other alternatives:

Use biodegradable bags made of fabrics.

Ladies can fold a cotton bag or two into their purses, which can be used to quench their sudden urge to shop.

Nylon bags can be used and reused several times.

Donate old newspapers and magazines to smaller institutes that cut these old papers into paper bags and packages.

Use a basket. (They can file a fashion statement today.)

Educate local dealers about the ill effects of using plastic.

Insist your local retailers on using thicker black plastic bags if he needs to at all.

Offices can distribute canvas bags as New Year’s gifts instead of diaries and other cute things.

Even better buy a collapsible shopping cart. When you can buy a stroller for your newborn, it is not impossible that you see.

The common man is already burdened by budding prices, so I do not want to propose to the government to introduce a plastic tax. Merely banning will fail, as it has done in the past.

Hope, in this way we can save our lives and earth from the plastic pollution a little bit. Dear, please leave your feedback about the article.

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