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Why are plastic bags bad for the environment?👜

 Why are plastic bags bad for the environment?👜


For a long time, plastic bags were used as a free and painless(ব্যথাহীন) solution to carry your weekly grocery(মুদিখানা) shopping and for a variety of other purposes.

Only recently have the damaging effects been observed, which is why a 5p fee was introduced from 2015 to discourage people from buying handbags.
So why are plastic bags not good for the environment? Plastic bags are made from crude oil (অপোরিশোধিত তেল) like other plastics. This is a problem because crude oil(অপোরিশোধিত তেল) emits significant amounts of pollution and means that the product is not biodegradable.
According to the Natural Environment website, a bag takes at least 400 years to biodegrade, which has the following effects:
Natural Environment estimates that approximately 100,000 sea turtles and other marine animals die each year because they are strangled (শ্বাসরোধ) in bags or mistaken for food.
In Australia, 50 million garbage bags end up as garbage each year, and the patch of "plastic soup" in the Pacific(প্যাসিফিক) Ocean (twice the size of the continental United States) is roughly 80% of the ocean.
Many people think that paper bags are a good alternative, but unfortunately, this is not true as they still negatively(নেতিবাচকভাবে) affect the environment.
The best alternative to plastic bags is reusable bags, which save 11 barrels(ব্যারেল) of oil. At Non Plastic Beach, we believe we do our bit to discourage(নিরুৎসাহিত করা) the use of plastic bags by offering our customers organic cotton and reusable shopping bags.

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