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How do we stop child marriage?👩 Five ways to end child marriage.

How do we stop child marriage?👩

 Five ways to end child marriage.

1) Empower(ক্ষমতায়ন) girls with information, skills and support networks;

2) Provide economic support and incentives(প্রণোদনা) to girls and their families;

3) Educate and rally(সমাবেশ) parents and community members; 

4) Enhance girls’ access(অ্যাক্সেস) to a high-quality education; and 

5) Encourage(উৎসাহিত করুন) supportive laws and policies. In order for the next generation of development programs to make ending child marriage(বাল্য বিবাহ) a priority, policymakers must pay attention to these strategies(কৌশল) while continuing to test innovative approaches and evaluation techniques.

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