How to save water at home💧
Below are some of the many ways that we can implement as an individual or as a household to save water.
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1. Turn off the taps
Leaving a tap running while brushing(ব্রাশিং) teeth uses 6 litres of water a minute. And by fixing a dripping(ক্ষরণ) tap you can save over 60 litres of water a week.
2. Boil what you need
Only boil as many cups(কাপ) of water as you need for your tea round – you’ll be saving money and energy.
3. Shower with less
It’s easy to linger(দীর্ঘস্থায়ী) in the shower when you’re sleepy in the morning – four-minute timers can help. And switching(সুইচিং) to an efficient(দক্ষ) shower head will allow you to lather up in less water.
4. Save up your dirty clothes
Washing a full machine(মেশিন) load of clothes uses less water and energy than two half-loads. This means lower bills as well.
5. Steam your veggies
As well as using less water than boiling, steaming retains more nutrients(পরিপোষক পদার্থ). If you do boil, try adding the water used as a tasty stock(স্টক) to soups. Or let it cool and use it to water house or garden(বাগান) plants.
6. Time your gardening
Water outdoor plants in the early morning or at the end of the day. This stops water evaporating(বাষ্পীভবন) straight away in sunlight and heat. Also, water onto the soil rather than leaves. This makes sure the liquid(তরল) goes straight to the roots, where it’s needed.
7. Catch rainwater
Installing water butts saves you turning(বাঁক) on the tap. And your plants will thank you for rainwater(বৃষ্টির জল) rather than treated tap water. You can also cut water use by 33% by watering plants manually instead of using automatic(স্বয়ংক্রিয়) sprinklers.